I stumbled across a rather quirky story over at Breitbart.com. The article, titled "Automated killer robots 'threat to humanity': expert," chronicles the use of automated weapons in places such as Iraq as well as the dangers that come along with them. These range from the (slightly) more plausible scenarios, such as terrorist cells capturing the robots and reverse-engineering them, to technological limitations of current artificial intelligence, to the more Isaac Asimov-stylized idea of robo-rebellion.
The "expert" that Breitbart.com consulted was a professor at University of Sheffield in England. He is quoted as saying that "[robots] pose a threat to humanity" at his keynotes. It's somewhat difficult to sound sane when you say that sort of thing in public.
For you robot-lovers (or those wishing to know of the iron-fisted rule of our future cybernetic leaders), the whole article can be read
[The above photo is by Dan Coulter of Flickr.com. It is a picture of a band called "Robot Attack!"]