Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Are you wasting money too?

With the US economy slipping into a recession (or to the claim of many, already in one), a lot of people are doing the wise thing and saving up their money for tougher times. However according to an article from BBC News, some of us are still buying more than a few frivolous things.

In an article titled "Video games immune to US slowdown," it is reported that while our economy's currently is in a bad place, video game sales are way up. According to the article, $1.7 billion was spent on video game consoles, games, and accessories this month alone. At the top of those sales was the Nintendo Wii which sold 720,000 units.

At least it's nice to know I'm not the only person wasting valuable money on these time-wasters. The above article can be read here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Leave the laptop behind.

Have you ever felt like going on a vacation, leaving all of your excessive electronic gadgets behind, and just enjoying wilderness? An article over at has given some great vacation ideas of where to go and what to do. Seeing that summer vacation is almost here for Rowan students, now would not be a bad time to start looking at some good hot spots.

The article, titled "World's Ultimate Unplugged Vacations," can be read here.