Sunday, February 17, 2008

Welcome to the post.

Welcome to Digital Lost & Found, my 2008 spring semester blog for Online Journalism. In this blog, I aim to provide a twice-a-week update on the latest technology news. My focus will be on developments in the computer industry, business practices between the major digital moguls as well as large-scale video game companies, as well as any truly groundbreaking innovations that should occur.

Sometimes I will collect the more interesting pieces of information regarding the biggest news in today's technology, while other times I will give my own commentary on the current state of the computer industry.

As for myself, I am a senior majoring at Rowan University. I am a commuter who spends a good deal of time on campus. My hobbies include watching independent and foreign films, discovering new (and local) bands, and personal fitness.

Please check back in the following days to read new and interesting pieces of information about our world's ever-developing technology.

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