Sunday, March 23, 2008

And so the pirating begins.

It would appear that the enterprising piracy advocates over at SlySoft Products have come up with a new piece of software which can allegedly break the copyrights on Blu-ray discs. An article on Top Tech News reports that SlySoft has come up with a new program which supposedly allows would-be bootleggers to make copies of high definition movies such as I Am Legend and 300.

Seeing that Blu-ray has only recently beaten out HD-DVD in the format war, this could be the start of rocky sales charts for Sony's high-definition format. It was only in January of last year that HD-DVD began to be thoroughly pirated and distributed all over the web (an article of the event can be read here) and many critics felt that the piracy rate of the format led to its death. It's still too early to start crying that it's the end of the world for Blu-ray, but it certainly doesn't bode well for it.

On a personal note I cannot stand piracy. While the price of Blu-ray is rather high (the average blockbuster flick goes for $30), bootlegging only serves to further damage the film industry.

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