Monday, March 10, 2008

New friend request from your aunt Benice.

The Washington Post has published a really interesting article in their Sunday paper titled "When Mom or Dad Asks to Be a Facebook Friend." The article basically addresses the way the generation gap between parents and children can be seen on

While some teenagers and college students have no problem in adding their parents to their 'friend's list,' there is actually a large number of young adults who have formed clubs protesting the presence of their parents in the community.

In other news, BusinessWeek reports that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced the launch of a French version of Facebook. According to BusinessWeek, Zuckerberg and columnist Sarah Lacy claim that the community could foster a home for members who wish to organize protests and other political activities. The entirety of the article can be read here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol i love this one. I've had friend request from aunts and such (which i still need to get to)