Monday, April 14, 2008

And on the lighter side of technology...

It feels to me that so many people take the internet for granted these days. Seeing how this is crunch time for around six final projects that I am working on, I am spending pretty much every waking hour trying to contact different people and compiling my research. If I had to do this twenty years ago, I'd be spending every moment pouring over dust-covered tomes in some dank part of a library trying to get the information I need. Be it catching moronic car thieves or finding the phone number of a college professor within mere seconds, you can't help but be grateful for the web.

Once in a while you run across an article that just makes your day. Obviously technology news can be very dry, but I read a short story over on the NYTimes' website which I couldn't help but love. The story, titled "It Takes a Cyber Village to Catch an Auto Thief," chronicles how the owner of an auto dealership had a car stolen from him only to have the thieves caught via an internet forum. You can read the whole story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason. I liked how you did a nice lead into the article that you found. Instead of just putting, "here is this cool article I found in the New York Times," you incorporated a nice flow to lead up to it. Very interesting article too I must add.